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  1. To help the student the role of John the Baptist.
  2. To help the student distinguish between Christ's Baptism and the Baptism of John.
  3. To help the student understand the unique qualities of Jesus' Baptism (i.e. Old Testament promises of Messianic lung and Suffering Servant).
  4. To help the student understand the commendation from God and the appearance of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.

Content of Lecture

1. Background To The Ministry of John Me Baptist (TN1)

For four hundred years no fully-accepted prophet has appeared among the Jews, even though Elijah was prophesied to come before the Messiah (Mal. 4:51. Many Jews anticipated God would soon send his prophet and his Messiah to usher in the kingdom. No wonder then that when a man named John appeared, dressed in rough clothing reminiscent of Elijah, the people from throughout Judea and Jerusalem went out to hear him (Mark 1:5).

II. John's Message

A. Content of John's Preaching -- Repentance

Since God was soon to invade history and since judgment was so near at hand, John's message took on a somber aspect. John had to tell his hearers that the nation as a whole was utterly unprepared for the Messiah. It was for this reason, and not merely for the sake of promoting general ethical standards, that John ceded the nation at large (every class and individual) to repentance as the preparation for participating in the blessings of the kingdom.

B. John's Baptism (TN2)

As an outward symbol of an inward change, he baptized (from the Greek "baptidzo" meaning "to immerse") in the Jordan River au who received his message with faith and repented of their sins.

C. Response to John's Message

What John preached was not greeted with universal acceptance. Many Jews felt the Gentiles needed to repent and be baptized, but that was because they were not John's. Baptism was apart of the procedure by which a Gentile became a Jewish proselyte in the two centuries preceding John's Mostly. However, even the Jewish religious teachers and leaders were being told by John that they needed to repent and be baptized. These people felt that John the Baptist was just another self-appointed prophet uttering Wise testimony. Even so, there was an excitement and expectation ~ the hearts of John's hearers (Luke 3:151. Some even wondered if John might be the Christ. John clearly identified his role. He recognized the importance and significance of his preparatory work; but he insisted that his baptism was a water baptism, the only baptism he could administer. He acknowledged that the one coming would be greater: so great that he was unworthy even to loosen the strings of the Messiahs sandals. The one who was to follow won baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.

D. Role of Elijah-- Luke records that the angel who had come to John's father, Zechariah told him that he would "go before the Lord, in the spins and power of Elijah" (Luke 1:17) Jesus said on the Mt. of Transfiguration that Elijah had already come in the person of John the Baptist. (Matt. 17:11-13) (DQ3)

Mark begins his record of John's ministry by saying that it was the beginning of He new day which God had promised. He states that it was the Fulfillment of the prophecy God had spoken through Isaiah (Mark 1:2-3). This prophecy (Isaiah 40:3) according to the Jews would be fulfilled by Elijah (Malachi 4:1-5). (DQ4)

II. Jesus' Relationship to John and His Baptism

A. Even though there was expectation about Johns ministry and his possible Messiahship, he continued to predict that one would come alter him who would be more powered and greater Han himself He clearly (denied Messiahs hip.

B. Jesus' Baptism

1. Jesus approached John and requested baptism but John was initially reluctant (Matt. 3: 1 3 - 1 5)

2. Jesus was baptize.

a. Holy Spirit descended.

b. Voice Mom heaven said, "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased" Luke 3:223.

3. Why was Jesus baptized? Possible Answers:

a. A self-dedication to righteousness (Mat. 3:15)

b. A moment of decision for Jesus - Would he fulfill God's plan?

c. A time of identification with the men he had come to save.

d. Assurance of Sonship (Psalm 2)

e. Jesus was preparing for the road of suffering that lay ahead.

f. Beginning of His public Vestry

III. The Temptation of Jesus

A. Background Issues

1. Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. 5

2. Location: Tradition locates the temptation experience in Quarantania (DQ5) a mountain that rises out of the Jordan plain fifteen hundred feet above the Jordan Valley. It is 6 to 8 miles from the traditional place of his baptism.

3. Time: His temptations were not limited to forty days, but only culminated at that time and extended through the whole period.

B. Purpose of the Temptations

1. The temptations involved the necessity of Jesus deciding at the twinning of his minister what land of messiah He would be.

2. The temptations helped define the strategy by which He would accomplish His work.

3. The temptations also determine the extent of His warfare against evil.

C. The Three Temptations:

The introduction of the first two temptations, "If you are the Son of God," may have been an attempt to make Jesus doubt the voice of assurance at his baptism. The suggestion that he make bread from stones and jump over the cliff at the edge of the Temple were at prompting Jesus to test that word of assurance at his baptism. In the third temptation, "All these things (the Kingdom of the world and its glory), I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me," Satan tempted Jesus to gain his destiny as Messiah by voiding the cross.

1. First Temptation - Stone to Bread - Physical Temptation

2. Second Temptation - Jump so Angels Would Save -Temptation of the Spotlight

3. Third Temptation - Bow Down to Satan add have Power over Earth - Temptation of the Temporal

Conclusion: Adam failed the temptation test under the best of conditions -- Jesus passed in the worst of conditions.



TN1 On one point au four Gospels agreed: Christ's call was in some way connected With John the Baptist's preaching. You may want to look aloha the Baptist in more detail. Stewart's book, The Life and Teachings of Jesus, gives some information about John.

TN 2 Stress the fact that John's baptism a baptism of repentance. It sighed that the individual had turned away from the life of sin he had been living and was ready to receive the King whom John spoke about.



DQ3 Why would John deny being Elijah (John 1:21) if Jesus said that he was Elijah (Meg 17:11-13)?

DQ4 How did John the Baptist fit the descriptions of "Elijah" in Malachi 4:105 and Isaiah 40:1-5?

DQ5 Why would God lead Jesust o be tempted after His baptism?

Does God lead believer's to be tempted today?

DQ6 How are these temptations similar to temptations faced by people today? How would Satan tempt Jesus today?

Last updated Thursday, February 24, 2000

Credits and Copyright This online text book is provided by the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, 333 N. Washington Dallas, Texas 75246-1798 214.828.5100 Use the text to meet your academic needs. If you copy any part of this online text, please give credit to the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Any donations which you give will be used in the Division of Student Ministry Summer Missions Programs.