Index/Table of Contents
Old Testament and New Testament  
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  1. To present the chief events of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem and cleansing the Temple.
  2. To identify the points of controversy between Christ and the Jewish religious leaders.

 Content of Lecture

1. Sunday - The Triumphal Entry (Mark 11:1-11)

A. Jesus goes to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover
B. Donkey - symbolic of one coming in peace, not a warrior king
C. Hosanna (vs. 9) - literal meaning "save now" both a prayer for help and a shout of victory
D. Blessed is he who comes (vs. 9) - a technical phrase for the Messiah
E. Blessed is the coming kingdom (vs. 10) - people expressing their expectations of Jesus as He enters Jerusalem (DQ1)

II. Monday - Cursing of the fig Tree and cleansing of the Temple (Mark 11:12-19)

A. Fig Tree (vs. 12-14) - in leaf but no fruit; fig tree is associated symbolically with Israel's status before God and with judgment Jer. 8:13, and 29:17; Hos. 1:10 & 2:12; Joe! 1:7; Micah 7:1-6; Is. 34:4 (TN2)

B. Temple cleansing (vs. 15-19) - can be seen as a prophetic sign of God's wrath; symbolizing the Lord coming in divine power; the immediate reason for Jesus' reaction, "You have made it a den of robbers." Also, animals were as much as fifteen times greater in price inside the Temple than outside. In the Synoptics, this event was the key in the religious leaders' decision to do away with Jesus. In John, the raising of Lazarus serves this purpose John 11:45-ff. (TN3) (DQ4)

III. Tuesday - a long, difficult day (Mark 11:20-13:37)

A. The withered fig tree (vs. 20-26) - Jesus teaches disciples about faith and prayer. Faith produces prayer, both require forgiveness.

B. Jesus questioned (vs. 27-33) - in the temple by temple authorities concerning His authority. Jesus sees the issue in terms of obedience rather than authority; He refuses to answer.

C. Parable of vineyard (vs. 12:1-12) - considered by some to be allegorical: the rejection of God and His messengers leads to destruction. Even though the Son is rejected, the Father must be reckoned with.

D. Unusual audience of Pharisees and Herodians (vs. 12:13-17) -Pharisees were ultimate separation-of-church-and-state group while Herodians were essentially the opposite in this area. (TN5) Jesus' answer to the questions would either alienate Him From the people or the government.

E. Question about the resurrection (vs. 12:18-27)-Sadducees, due to Greek influence and acceptance only of Pentateuch, denied resurrection and life after death. Their question was based on Levirate marriage (Deut. 25:5). Jesus said that they did not understand the manner of resurrection; physical laws did not apply (vs. 26-27). God is God of the living; emphasis Is on the verb tense (present) "I am". Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are alive, not dead. The Sadducees not only misunderstood resurrection, they were ignorant in their knowledge of the Old Testament.

F. The Great Commandment (vs. 12:28-34) - A teacher of the law questions Jesus about the Law. Jesus' reply is to summarize the Law in two statements - to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your fellow man (Dent. 6:4-5; Lev. 19:18).

G. Jesus' teaching concerning the scribes (vs. 12:3 5-40) - scribes were professional interpreters of the law. Originally, they were merely copyists of the scrolls. They received places of honor at synagogues and feasts. Jesus spoke severely of those who took advantage of their position (for personal gain in God's name).

H. The widow's gift (vs. 12:41-44) - her gift was the smallest gift allowed according to Rabbinical Law. God's scales were different than man's. He determined the size of the gift by what it cost the giver.


1. Read Mark 13:1-37
2. Read Hester, pp.197-200 Or Gundry, pp. 183-187


TN2 Either Jesus was using this incident as a teaching tool or He was taking out His irritation on the tree because He was hungry and it had no fruit. Many see this event as a dramatic parable where Jesus' action symbolizes God's judgment on the barrenness of Israel.

TN3 Temple leadership had moved money exchange operations and the sale of animals for sacrifice onto temple grounds. Worshipers could only buy proper coinage (Maccabbean) and it cost to exchange (i.e., peso to dollar and dollar to peso)

TN5 The way of God" (12:14) refers to the way God wishes men to act or the way God acts. Taxes were 10% of grain, 20% of wine and fruit, 1% income tax; men and women paid a head (poll) tax. Rome demanded two things; peace and payment of taxes.



DQ1 What were the people expecting of Jesus? How did they express these expectations? How could some of these same people be screaming "Crucify Him" by Friday morning?

DQ4. What emotion did Jesus exhibit? Is anger an acceptable response to circumstances? Is violence (force) an acceptable behavior?

DQ6 Why do you think Jesus' focus upon loving God and one's fellow man as the fulfillment of the Old Testament is not enough for many? If Jesus were cleansing the Temples today, what kind of abuses would anger him? Can you see examples of people being exploited by religious institutions?


Updated Thursday, February 24, 2000

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