This is a personal page. Just a place to share some thoughts.

SOFTWARE USED in creating this site:

I have attempted to implement features which are not on the "cutting edge."  However, if you are having difficulty with some browser other then MS I.E. 4.0, you will need to download that software. I do not have the time and/or life left to program the site for all browsers.

We used Microsoft Internet Explorer (the web browser) and Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word 95 mainly because they are FREE. Most of the reviews that I have read rate Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explore about the same. PC Magazine October 22, 1996 says, "The true winner of the browser wars is the one who uses both Netscape Navigator 3.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 to access the web. (page 103, first paragraph in blue box)

Many THANKS TO the Austin Community College Education Catalyst Center's "Future Is Now" seminar in August 1996. This meeting along with the director provided

Churches and believers should be very careful about STEALING SOFTWARE, often called borrowing. The individuals who create the software deserve having their services reimbursed. In the Old Testament the poor were allowed to glean in the fields. The trouble with gleaning software is you must take the "WHOLE FIELD." We have no right to consider software developers as generous as Boaz.

SOFTWARE BIGOTRY: Everyone has their favorite software. It seems to me that much of the high-end Windows software is similar. Most features are common to all similar packages. Often, we like ours because that is what we used first.

In DETERMINING A SOFTWARE package several things must be considered:

I have attempted to:

  1. keep the site simple
  2. make many jumps which we hope will allow you to navigate the site more efficiently
  3. limit the number of graphics in order to allow the site to load quickly. You will find some BIG exceptions.
  4. focus on information which will assist churches and individuals in ministry

WEB FOCUS: One of the difficult things to do when discovering and using the resources on the WWW it to have an idea where you are going and GO THERE. Distractions are everywhere. Getting lost in the sea of distractions will not serve your ministry well.

I am very grateful to Connect International of San Antonio, Texas for providing our area with a free local line internet connection. Many in rural America, far too many, have paid for long distance calls just to access cyberspace.  They have moved from our area but still supply web space and support.

An OLD and NE TESTAMENT SURVEY will be made available as time permits. The Word of God is for everyone. We need to discover what God has said. In our world there are too many believers and non-believers who tell us what God has said. The distance learning lessons will provide the student with the opportunity to use the WWW to discover the truth that Jesus expressed as 'I am The Way The Truth and The Life.'

***One final thought***

I wonder what the apostle Paul would have done with a computer, word processor, diskettes, and CDROMs?

For Paul the 1st century Roman roads, opened the gospel to many. Today we have a special responsibility to use our technology for HIS GLORY…

Ray Waugh, "The Dust Collector"

July 26, 1998

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

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