Missionaries Tim and Melissa Meyer
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March 2000


March 9th - 12th a group from the Fresnillo area went to Mazatlan, Sinaloa for a pastor's conference. I was excited that my assistant pastor in Plutarco, Jorge Diaz, was able to take off work and attend. It was a time of encouragement, renewed vision for strengthening and planting churches in Central Mexico, and a time of getting to know our co-laborers better.


Many times the work can be discouraging. At times it feels like all work and no reward. Most missionaries in this area could tell you that working in Central Mexico is not at all easy. It is steeped in idolatry, man-made traditions, and does about everything except get to the heart of the matter- man's heart and his need for the Savior. Most religion creates a earn-it-yourself system of rules and lacks the fundamental principal of humility and repentance that God requires form a person to come to him and receive his love as a gift, by grace. To add to it we have to overcome  the false presupposition that we are preaching what the Mormons or Jehovah Witness's are preaching.

Well, I am realizing that the work is measured in seasons and patience is require to see the harvest. I am happy to share that in February, 11 year old, Beto received Christ. Sunday, March 19th Beto's 15 year old neighbor, Alicia, came up after service to receive Christ. Later on March 23rd , during our weekly visitation, Beto's sister Ana prayed to receive Christ, along with Alicia's mom, Maria de Jesus, her sister, Veronica, and brother Francisco Javier. Praise God! Pray for Maria de Jesus as she comes to church against her husband's will. And pray that the Lord in his mercy saves Atanacio (her husband).

Many people may not be able to relate to some of the obstacles that the women here sometimes have to face just in order to attend church. In Lobatos, where my father-in-law Juan is the pastor, members have literally been pulled out of service by their hair. In Mexico Christians are many times shunned by neighbors and the community for their faith. However, the week after Maria de Jesus' conversion we visited her and she was very happy and shared with us an interesting story. She said that during the week she needed to buy gas for her stove but did not have a third of the money she needed. She remembered she had 100 pesos that she had placed in her Bible. When she opened her Bible to take it out there was not only the 100 pesos there but rather the 150 pesos that she needed to buy the gas. I praise God for working in people's lives to provide for their needs, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and is no respector of persons.


As we read the New Testament we find that the main message proclaimed is the Kingdom of God. We all know that God's kingdom awaits His children in heaven but we also find that the "the kingdom of God is come unto you (Mt 12:28)." Later, when Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God, Jesus says upon this rock I will build my church....and I give you the keys to the kingdom (Mt. 16: 13-19). Christ came proclaiming this kingdom (we find it quoted of Him over 100 times in the gospels), and he did so with his word and his deeds. He taught his twelve disciples to do the same and later sent 70 more (Lk.10: 1-9) to continue spreading His words and to do His works. Although the church in Plutarco is not all that big we have a group that is excited to know and share the message of Jesus and to put into action those words.

I am challenging the young believers in my church to begin reaching out. Juan and I planned to help Bro. Daniel in the Torreon area this spring. We opened up the evangelistic trip to the churches we work with. There were six that signed up to go from Plutarco. Each Wednesday we have been meeting in the church to paint scenes for the puppet stage, practice with the puppets, and prepare dramas, in order to reach some of the neighborhoods with the message of Christ. Please pray for this trip that will be on April 15th- 19th.


I am excited to have my brother, Jared, coming from Chattanooga, Tennessee to work with me for two months this summer. He will help me in my daily work along with assisting me as I start a youth group in May and a house Bible-study in June. We will be taking a trip to the mountains of Durango to do construction and encourage our Tepehuan brothers May 25th- 29th. If you would like to come let me know.

With technology it is easier than ever to find trip information for things such as flights. For example, on the web at <> I priced a round trip flight from Atlanta, Georgia to Zacatecas, Mexico for $632.00.

The Zacatecas airport is only a 20 min. drive from my house. Technology has made the world "smaller" and if anyone has had the opportunity to impact the world for the glory of God, it is our generation. I can never cease to thank those who faithfully support us. As God continues to bless us, our responsibility, ministry, vision, and family grows. Along with that, inflation, and an aging vehicle, our expenses grow also. Many of you may have enjoyed these letters concerning our work here, and maybe it even crossed your mind to participate financially. But you just never got around to it. Let me encourage you today that you can sow a seed into the kingdom of God here on earth. A missionary's going, is many times, your reason for staying and your reason for staying is, may times, my help in going.

I want to remind you again that I am looking to schedule mission internships for people that are recommended by their local church. You may contact me for more information.

Field Information:
e-mail <>
phone 01152-493-23576

mail APD Postal 222 Fresnillo, Zacatecas 99000 Mexico


Support and Mail Information:
Mail and checks should be sent to:
P.O.Box 4246
Beeville, TX 78104
For a tax deduction make checks payable to: Word of Life for Meyer Missions

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